2011 Tornos Deco 20 CNC Turning Center

2011 Tornos Deco 20 CNC Turning Center

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Location:Dayton, OH


Tornos CNC Turning Center, Model: Deco20a,

Mfg: Tornos

Model: Deco 20a

YOM: (2011),

Parallel Control PNC-DECO

Capacity: 20mm / 10 Axes

Sliding Headstock 10000 RPM S1 (Z1), Clamping Collet Schaublin F25, Position Spindle Stop S1 (0,1 Degree)

Tool Systems (X1-Y1 / X2-Y2) 2 Independent Slides with Cross Slideways, Featuring 2x5 Positions, S2 8000 RPM Max Speed,

End Working Attachment - (X3-Z3) Carriage with Cross Slides 4 Positions, Clamping Collet Schaublin F25

Counter-Operations: Post for Counter-Operations with 7 Positions (4 End and 3 Cross)

Part Conveyance: Workpiece Evacuation By Manipulator

Sundry: Unit for Conditioning of Compressed Air, Coolant Pump with Variable Output

Control: Fanuc 16i-TB, 10 Axis PNC, Programming Software TB-DECO

Independent Opposite Spindle S4 (X4-Z4-Y4) 3 Independent Slideways, Opposite Spindle 10000 RPM

Equipped with:

Fanuc Control: PNC Deco, LNS MF2 Chip Conveyor, Tornos SBF532 Bar Feeder,

LNS High Pressure Coolant, Poly Science Chiller unit, SEI Filtration Mist System

All Specifications Subject to Verification by Buyer


ModelDeco 20a
Stock Number0307622