Mueller Accu-Therm Plate Heat Exchanger, Model: AT40 LF-80

Mueller Accu-Therm Plate Heat Exchanger, Model: AT40 LF-80

$3,450 (USD)

Location:Mehlville, MO


Mueller Accu-Therm Plate Heat Exchanger

Mfg: Mueller Accu-Therm 

Model: AT40 LF-80

Max. Working Pressure 75 psi

Max Working Temp.: 220* F

See Photo of Data Plate

All Specifications Subject to Verification

Seller Palletize and Load on to Buyer's Truck


ManufacturerMueller Accu-Therm Plate Heat Exchanger, Model:
ModelAT40 LF-80
Stock Number0307278